时间:2018-05-04 浏览:2799次
Standard features of fifth edition package material
1. 从“良好规范”到“最佳规范”
A move from‘ good practice’ to‘ best practice’
2. 印刷包装控制中的质量管理系统过程
The quality management systems process in printed packaging controls
3. 继续确保审核过程连贯一致
Continuing to ensure consistency of the audit process
4. 提供一套标准,满足零售商及品牌所有者减少审核负担的需求
Providing a Standard that meets retailers’ and brand owners’ needs to reduce the audit burden
5. 更好地认识包装行业及其顾客需求的多元化
Better recognition of the diversity of the packaging industry and its customers’ demands
6. 鼓励供应链提升透明度和可追溯性
Encouraging greater transparency and traceability in the supply chain
7. 鼓励实施本标准,以此改进过程尚在制定中的小规模场所和设施的产品安全
Encourage the implementation of this standard to improve product safety in small establishments and facilities under development.