时间:2018-05-04 浏览:3850次
什么是BRC 包材标准
What is BRC Packaging and Packaging Materials Standard
BRC 包材标准是英国零售协会(British Retail Consortium)及英国包装协会
(The Packaging Society)制定的审核食品包装供应商的标准。BRC包材认证除获得英国零售商认可外,还广泛被欧洲、美国的零售商所接受:Aldi; ASDA; Boots; Lceland;KwikSave; Littlewoods; Morrisons; Netto; Safeway; Sainsburys; Somerfield; Spar; Tesco; Waitrose; Walmart etc.
The BRC Packaging and Packaging Materials Standard is set for food packaging suppliers by the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and the Packaging Society - formerly the Institute of Packaging. BRC certification is recognized by British retailers as well as retailers from Europe and America such as Aldi; ASDA; Boots; Lceland;KwikSave; Littlewoods; Morrisons; Netto; Safeway; Sainsburys; Somerfield; Spar; Tesco; Waitrose; Walmart etc.
BRC 包材标准要求包括:
BRC package standard requirements include:
1. 最高管理层的承诺
Senior management commitment and continual improvement
2. 危害和风险管理体系
Hazard and risk management system
3. 产品安全和质量管理体系
Product safety and quality management system
4. 现场标准
Site standards
5. 产品和过程控制
Product and process control
6. 人员