时间:2017-08-02 浏览:6166次
1、 A GSV/C-TPAT Certificate valid period is one year and can be shared by several supplier
反恐验厂证书有效期一年, 几个供应商可以拿工厂通过的这张证书登记共享
2、 For first GSV/C-TPAT audit fail, there is a period (120 days) for factory to improve, and in this periods, new order can be placed andshipment can be delieveried for factory. Factory should make correction and apply for second audit in 120 days.
3、 If second GVS/CTPAT audit fail again, no new order can be placed in 12 months, but goods can be shipped, factory must reapply for audit after a years.
4、CTPAT/GVS Audit result is over 71 scores can be accepted