时间:2020-10-27 浏览:4082次
D1.1、Business code of conduct / ethic code of conduct, protecting procedure for workers who refused to do anything in non-conformance with ethic policy, Investigate and handle procedure for allegation of bribery and related records.
工厂商业行为准则/道德行为规范,保护拒绝参与不正当道德行为的员工的程序, 涉嫌违规事件的调查报告
D2.1、Gift policy, anti-bribery policy, management procedure and records of conflict of interest,
D3.1、Procedure to ensure records are not falsified and accurate, annual third part financial audit report, financial report required by the government
确保信息准确的内部审查程序, 第三方财务年审报告,政府要求的财务报告。
D4.1、Intellectual property protection procedure, signed non-disclosure agreement with workers suppliers and customers
D5.1、Policy of fair business, Job posting and advertisement, procedure to prevent the false or misleading advertisement, internal checking records for advertisement.
D6.1、Whistleblowers information protecting procedure, Communication records with suppliers on confidential reporting mechanisms, Procedure to protect workers from retaliation and to investigate possible retaliation,
D7.1、Policy on avoid knowingly purchasing 3TG minerals from Democratic Republic of Congo or surrounding countries, Identify records of 3TG suppliers, responses from 3TG suppliers to identify the Smelters and Refiners
避免故意直接或间接从刚果共和国或周边国家采购 3TG 矿石的政策,3TG 矿石供应商的识别记录,3TG 供应商识别其矿石熔炼厂的回应信息
D8.1、Privacy protecting procedure, training records for workers and management team on the procedure