时间:2019-04-09 浏览:2097次
9:30 Auditor arrives at the factory 审核员到达工厂
9:30 ‐ 9:40 Quick onsite tour 现场快速走访 (If it is semi‐announced audit or unannounced audit /半通知或者不通知的审核适用)
9:40 ‐ 10:10 Opening meeting (Attendance includes Facility HR manager, EHS manager, facility representatives, union representatives and/or workers’ representatives where applicable, etc.)/首次会议(出席人员包括企业人事经理、EHS 经理、企业代表,工会和/或员工代表如适用,等人员)
10:10 – 12:00 Document review: Examination of Documents (Labor documentation and records review) 文件审查:文件检查(劳工及记录查看)
Onsite tour: Production Site Inspection(includes production and dormitory building, warehouse, canteen and kitchen and recreational facilities) 现场审查:现场检查(包括生产楼、宿舍楼、仓库、食堂、厨房和娱乐设施,并可能会有现场的员工访谈)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break 午休时间
13:00 – 16:00 Document review: Examination of Documents (EHS, ethics documentation and records review) 文件审查:文件检查(健康安全/商业道德文件及记录查看,含生产相关资料查看)
Interview: Interviews with employees with part of sample size (Please provide private room)访谈:与部分抽样样本员工进行会谈(请提供单独的房间)
Interview: Interviews with other employees of sample size (Please provide private room)访谈:与抽样样本中的其余员工进行会谈(请提供单独的房间)
16:00-16:15 Internal review the findings 内部沟通审核中的不符合项
16:15-17:00 Pre‐Closing Meeting and Preparation of CAPs 与工厂简要沟通问题点并准备现场报告
17:00 – 17:30 Closing Meeting (Attendance includes Facility HR manager, EHS manager, facility representatives, union representatives and/or workers’ representatives where applicable, etc.),总结会议(出席人员包括企业人事经理、EHS 经理、企业代表,工会和/或员工代表如适用,等人员)
上一个: BSCI验厂安全和消防培训的重要性
下一个: BSCI验厂时会做的人权方面审核