时间:2019-04-25 浏览:2750次
List of documents required for factory inspection and audit
1. 营业执照
Business License
2. 最近十二个月所有员工的考勤记录(电子档文件)、工资单(纸质和电子档文件)、工时记录、计件记录及银行转账记录或现金支付凭证
Attendance records (paper and electronic documents), Payroll records (hardcopy documents and electronic documents), working hours records, piece-rate records and transfer records from the bank or cash payment vouchers for all employees in the latest past 12 months.
3. 最近六个月的离职员工花名册、个人档案、劳动合同、考勤记录、工资表
The roster, personnel file, labor contract, attendance records and payroll of the employees who left the factory in the latest past 6 months.
4. 全厂花名册,所有员工个人档案(含入职申请)和劳动合同
Roster of all employees, personnel file (including employee applications) and Employment contracts
5. 人事记录(请假单、有薪假期记录、辞职/解雇记录等)
Personnel Record (Leave records, paid leave records,resignation/fire records, etc.)
6. 社保支付证明/发票,参保人员明细,社保网站参保台账截图,商业保险合同(如有)
Social Insurance Payment Certificate/Invoice, insured personnel details, screenshot of insurance chart on social security website, Commercial Insurance Contract (if any)
7. 青少年工(未成年工)用工登记和体检记录
Permits for juvenile workers (underage workers)from local labor bureau and physical exam records
8. 工厂与劳务派遣中介机构的委托合约,中介机构的营业执照复印件,劳务派遣工及临时工的入职档案、劳动合同、社保参保情况,考勤及工资表记录。
Service contract between factory and contract company, one copy of contract company’s business license, the entry registration form, labor contract, participation of social insurance, attendance records and wage records of contract workers and those of temporary workers
9. 合格证/证明文件 (如:建筑物竣工验收,消防验收,建筑物安全鉴定书)
Permits/certificates (eg.Construction Completion Acceptance Report, Fire Safety Acceptance Report, Building Safety Certification)
10. 工作场所危害因素检测报告,职业健康体检报告
Workplace hazard detection report and occupational physical examination report
11. 环保文件:排放许可证,建设项目环评报告、环评批复、环境项目竣工验收报告
Environment protection related documents: discharge permit, environmental impact assessment report for construction project, environmental impact approval, completion acceptance report of project with environmental impact.
12. 危险废弃物回收文件(包括危险废弃物回收商营业执照、经营许可证、工厂与其签订的合同、危险废弃物转移联单等)
Hazardous waste recycle related documents, including business license and operation license of hazardous waste recycling company, contract between factory and recycling company, duplicate forms for transfer of hazardous waste, etc.
13. 员工手册和厂规厂纪(考勤,招聘,奖惩,工作时间,假期规定,工资,福利制度,绩效考核等)
Employee manuals and factory policies/rules (i.e. policies or rules regarding attendance, recruitment, reward & punishment, working hours, holidays, wage, benefits, performance appraisal, etc.)
14. 特种设备使用许可证、定期安检报告:电梯、锅炉、压力容器(含气瓶、压力表、安全阀)、叉车、起重机等
Special Equipment Application Permit, periodic inspection report: lift, boiler, pressure vessel (cylinder, pressure gauge, safety valve), forklift, crane, etc.
15. 特种专业/工种上岗证如: 锅炉工证、电工证、电梯工证、焊接工证、叉车工证,医生执业资格证或医疗服务协议,保安员,注册安全主任,义务急救员,厨房工作人员等。Professional licenses/certificates: boiler,electrician, lift operator, welder, forklift operator, doctor’s license or medical care service agreement, security, registered safety officer, volunteer first aider, kitchen staff, etc.
16. 厨房餐饮服务许可证及厨工健康证
Catering service license, canteen staff’s health certificates
17. 当地最低标准工资文件
Local “minimum wage standard” document
18. 工会/员工委员会代表选举记录,章程、组织架构、活动/会议记录
Election records, articles of association,organization chart, activity records/meeting minutes of Trade Union/Workers’ Association
19. 健康安全委员会制度、组织架构
The articles of association and organization chart of Health & Safety Committee
20. 申诉程序文件,员工投诉文件(如果适用),意见处理记录等
Grievance process, compliant records (if applicable), processing records.
21. 罚款或警告记录
Fine or warning records
22. 当地允许加班批文,自愿加班程序文件,自愿加班申请表
Overtime approval from local agency, voluntary overtime program files, voluntary overtime application form
23. 有害物质或化学品记录,当地语言的物质安全资料表,在用的化学品清单、化学品领用记录
Hazardous materials or chemicals records, MSDS in local language, a list of chemicals in use, chemical requisition record
24. 环境保护方针政策
Environmental protection policies
25. 工厂平面图
Factory floor plan
26. 紧急疏散计划和消防演习记录
Emergency evacuation plan and fire drill records
27. 意外受伤和意外事件记录和报告
Injury and accident logs and reports
28. 急救箱数量、箱内药品清单及急救箱使用记录、检查记录
Number of first aid kits, list of medication supplies,first aid kit logs, inspection records
29. 有关健康与安全的记录(如员工培训记录、化学品使用培训记录、工伤记录、急救员培训、会议记录、断针记录)
Health & Safety records (e.g., employee training records, records of chemical handling training, injury logs, first aid training, minutes, broken needle records)
30. 灭火器分布表及汇总表
Map of fire extinguisher layout and total number of extinguishers
31. 工厂所有的相关最新的法律法规资料及执行程序
Relevant updated laws, regulations and implementation policies.
32. 政府部门发出的不符合整改通知记录
Noncompliance notification issued by government.
33. 禁止招聘童工政策及补救程序,未成年工,强迫性劳工,骚扰与虐待,无歧视,自由结社等政策文件
No Child Labor Policy and Child Labor CAP, policies for Young Workers, Forced Labor, Harassment and Abuse, Nondiscrimination and Freedom of Association/Collective Bargaining/Trade Unions
34. 管理层与工人面谈会议记录(如果适用)
Minutes from management-employee meetings (if applicable)
35. 健康安全风险评估记录
Health and safety risk assessment record.
36. 机器检查/维修记录
Maintenance and repair record for equipment.
37. 最近三个月生产排期,相应的每日个人或班组,车间生产记录
Production schedule in the last three months, daily production records for individual, line or workshop.
38. 最近三个月成品出货记录 、半成品及成品质量检查记录
Warehouse finished product records, semi-finished and finished product quality inspective records in the last three months.
39. 工厂生产流程图
Factory production flow-charts.
40. 工序外发商清单
A list of subcontractors.
下一个: BSCI验厂对审核公司的要求